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January 03, 2023

Chairman Thompson Lauds Committee Accomplishments from 117th Congress

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement in recognition of the Committee’s accomplishments from the 117th Congress:

“I want to close out this Congress by noting the productivity of the Committee on Homeland Security and its accomplishments over the past two years.  I am proud to announce that, despite a pandemic and even in the shadow of the January 6 attack on the Capitol, the Committee held 77 hearings, had 55 bipartisan legislative measures pass the House of Representatives, and was responsible for 47 measures becoming law that will improve Department of Homeland Security operations and make the nation more secure.

“Of particular note, our Members were the driving force in getting legislation enacted into law to expand the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, establish the first mandatory cyber incident reporting framework, authorize the CyberSentry program, and authorize a new cybersecurity grant program to support State and local government networks.

“The Committee conducted oversight and investigations of some of the most pressing homeland security challenges facing our Nation, including terrorism, cybersecurity, natural disaster preparedness, pandemic response, securing our skies and waterways, addressing migrants arriving at our borders, and protecting our democracy.

“I want to thank all the Members of the Committee, as well as the staff, for the dedication and hard work in helping keep the country secure.  We could not have done this without them.  I am hopeful we will continue this important work in the 118th Congress.”

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